Mental Toughness Coach | JKD Instructor | Author

Mic Leo

Mental Toughness Coach

“Mr. Leotta has been one of my instructors in defensive tactics since 1994. He is by far one of the most knowledgeable and effective instructors that I have had the privilege of training with. The instruction that Mr. Leotta has given me, saved my life on two different occasions when I was attacked.”

URBANO M. JORGE, Correctional Officer

My Prestige Award

Mic Leo's greatest strength is his ability to adapt and strive under obstacles.


About Me

Mic Leo is a Jeet Kune Do instructor and Mental Toughness Coach. As a Certified 2nd & 3rd Generation Jeet Kune Do Instructor (under Dan Inosanto & Paul Vunak), Mic Leo has trained thousands of people throughout the span of nearly five decades, from MMA fighters to police officers and the Military. Throughout his fifty-plus years of experience, he has mastered the art of mental toughness. After getting his right arm amputated, his doctor has told him his life would “never be the same.” Yet, he was able to overcome tremendous adversity and create a life that he loves. As a man of perseverance, determination and drive, Mic Leo continues to challenge the status quo and deliver on his mission to unlock the potential to master who they are — no matter what challenges or disabilities — through the Adapt for Life Philosophies.

Adapt for Life Philosophy

Mic Leo teaches people on how to use the Adapt for Life philosophies to better their personal and professional lives. Coaching and counseling people on their own personal situations, and advises them on specific problems & issues . Learn to Adapt and unleash the power of change and use it to better yourself embrace being functional learn how mistakes can make you grow.

The Adapt for Life philosophies are designed for everybody – executives & business owners, parents , students , martial artists & wounded warriors- people with disabilities.


Professional Skills

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Functional Reality

Rivers and Streams


JKD Lessons

Learn the art of JKD for self-defense and confidence from a Certified 3rd generation JKD Instructor.

JKD, Techniques & Tips

Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus.

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